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About Us

Little Flower Pilgrimages

Little Flower Pilgrimages was founded with a heartfelt mission: to guide people to the sacred places where faith comes alive.

Since 1990, we have had the privilege of leading pilgrims to destinations rich in spiritual history and significance, from the Marian shrines of Fatima and Lourdes to the timeless holy sites of the Holy Land and Rome. Each journey is designed to be more than travel—it’s a time of prayer, reflection, and connection to God.

What sets us apart is our commitment to the spiritual heart of the pilgrimage experience. Every group is accompanied by a priest who celebrates daily Mass and offers guidance throughout the journey, creating a truly transformative encounter with the divine. These pilgrimages are a chance to walk in the footsteps of saints, witness places of profound miracles, and deepen your relationship with God in the company of fellow believers.

Whether it’s your first pilgrimage or one of many, we strive to provide experiences that are deeply meaningful, beautifully organized, and rich in the traditions of our faith. At Little Flower Pilgrimages, every journey is an opportunity to grow in grace and bring home memories that will inspire you for a lifetime.

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Meet Susan De Bartoli

Hi, I am Susan. I was born on August 12, 1945, which was the day we first knew Japan would surrender and World War II would come to an end. The cease fire came a few days later and I would spend my life searching for a way to bring peace to the world.

As a child, my grandmother told me about Fatima and taught me to say the Rosary. (At Fatima, Portugal, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to three children and told them to pray the Rosary for world peace and the conversion of Russia - that was in 1917.) As a result, I always wanted to go to Fatima, but it would be the last place of pilgrimage I would travel to. There was a reason for this, but I wouldn't find out that reason until November 1989. While I was praying the Rosary in the Chapel of Apparitions, at Fatima, the Berlin Wall crumbled. I was, in fact, an instrument of peace. My lifelong dream had come to pass. The Soviet Union would collapse, and we would be on the road to peace. A little girl's prayers were answered. Of course, it was just the beginning, but you have to start somewhere.

I am at peace in places like Fatima, Lourdes, La Salette, Akita, etc. I have come to realize that these places, which were places of apparitions, are so important to peace in the world. Having been in the travel industry for 20 years, I found it very easy to make the transition from travel agent to pilgrimage tour operator. Most of all, I believe my experience in Fatima was a direct result of Our Lord asking me to leave a hectic industry and join a beautiful ministry. I serve the Lord when I send people to His special places. Places where His mother has appeared, great Saints have lived, magnificent Cathedrals abound, and people of many different religions live in harmony with one another.

The first few years were very difficult, I found myself questioning whether this was really what I was meant to do. It seemed I was putting my hand in my pocket more often than I should. I felt it was important that these pilgrimages continue. Finally, I needed to make a decision. Should I continue or should I get out before my money runs out? I decided to put it in God's hands. I made a Novena to St. Therese asking her to intercede on my behalf. A few days into the novena I received the ROSE that would be the answer to my prayers. Not only did I go on, but I also named my company Little Flower after St. Therese. (When you make a novena to St. Therese, known as the Little Flower, if your prayers are answered, you will receive a rose.) Not only has my business grown, but it has blossomed into one of the finest pilgrimage companies on the east coast. In September 1997, I traveled with a group of over one hundred people to Lisieux (home of St. Therese) for the Centenary of her death. We all went to Lisieux to thank St. Therese for interceding on our behalf.

I am now compiling notes on other people's experiences with St. Therese. I'm asking people to send me their stories of how they made a novena to St. Therese and their prayers were answered. Some of these stories are breathtaking. I will call my book "The Flower That Touched My Heart." 

Little Flower Bookshelf

Susan De Bartoli is an award-winning author, pilgrimage leader, and passionate advocate for deepening faith through the wisdom of the saints. She is the author of Welcoming the Christ Child with Padre Pio, winner of the 2024 International Book Award in the Religion category, and Welcoming the Holy Spirit with Padre Pio. Her latest book, Carry the Cross with Padre Pio, invites readers on a transformative Lenten journey inspired by the beloved saint.

Through her writing, Susan combines scripture, reflections, and the incredible stories of Padre Pio’s life, helping readers grow in faith and embrace their own spiritual journey. Whether leading a pilgrimage or writing a book, her mission remains the same: to bring people closer to God, one step and one page at a time.

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